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Extensive objective risk-analyse thanks to digital support from risk on mind®.

Cross-divisional knowledge of fire hazard, natural disaster, cybercrime, mechanical breakdown, liability and interruption of business. 

Many years of experience regarding industrial insurance.

risk on mind® stands for economically effictive and sustainable solutions.

Target risktransfer und focus on the balance of risk in the budget.

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We support you in your cooperation with clients and during tenders

Evaluation of risk reports and the independent assessment of the risk portfolio of your clients.

Our analysis-software rismo® offers tansparent and standardized visualization

PML- and EML-assessment
Control of previous recommendations from reports and their effect.
Development of alternatives of recommendations.

Preparation and monitoring of risks-viewing.

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Consideration of insurers wishes regarding working on effective alternatives measures.

Independent and transparent description of risks.

Fully clear, objective and transparent description of risks of entire risk porfolios.

Thanks to our on-site software rismo®, we can support at any time.

IDD and standard-compliant.

Clearly comprehensible results. Possibility to repeat and easily compare.

Control of go on ahead recommendations and development of alternatives of recommendations.

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